Wednesday 29 August 2012


We woke to rain this morning, which was predicted. We drove to the free CAT bus stop and caught the bus. We got off at the Fremantle Ship Wreck Museum. The museum is full of artifacts and anchors from hundreds of ships that have been wrecked on the West Australian coast line. 

The earliest known wreck was the Batavia in 1629. I don't think Captain Cook had even been born yet. Each wreck is like a time capsule from the past. The Museum staff have done a wonderful job of cleaning each recovered relic, most of which had been under water for about 300 years. 

Amazingly, there is a reconstruction of a tiny section of the forward lower section of the Batavia using actual timber from the ship recovered from the seabed.  Most what we saw would have been underwater when the ship was sailing and what we saw was about 20’ in height.  Imagine how big the actual ship would have been!  The wood has been treated and needs to be kept at a constant temperature and level of humidity/dryness to avoid decay.  If you look closely and follow the information photos you can see saw marks and other signs that occurred when the ship was being built around 400 years ago.  It’s incredible to be able to see this evidence on the actual wood that has been under the water for so long.

From the Ship Wreck Museum we went into town where it was pouring rain. We went to Woolstores Shopping Centre and lunch out of the rain. Then we walked to the Maritime Museum - a museum about ships that have not sunk. 

On display are many models of ships, from bark canoes to ocean liners. The 1983 America's Cup winning yacht 'Australia II' is also on display and even the silly jacket worn by Bob Hawke on the winning morning is there too. 

While we were at the Museum Karen couldn't find her ANZ 'money for everything' card and a panic ensued. She took off back into town to find the ATM she had used earlier on. Shortly after Karen had left, her name was called out over the loud speakers in the Museum. Her card had been found at the front desk where she had paid the admission. A quick telephone call had her on her way back to collect the card. A happy ending!! 

After the museum, we caught the free CAT bus back to the car and it was good to get back to the caravan and out of the rain.


Today we decided to stay put and not go anywhere. It was raining on and off and the wind had picked up so it was nice to just relax and catch up on things that needed doing. The girls cooked, knitted, watched movies and washed and I attacked the computer diary that was about 3 weeks behind.

 Maritime Museum Shipwreck Galleries, Fremantle

 Maritime Museum, Fremantle

Maritime Museum, Fremantle

Maritime Museum, Fremantle

 Australia II

 Australia II

 The famous Winged Keel of Australia II

 Australia II

 Submarine "Ovens"
Sadly not open that day to the public

 Maritime Museum, Fremantle

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